and overseas sales channel development Business matching Business Model Business Models Business Negotiation chambers of commerce and industry Consultant for small and medium enterprises credit unions cross-border e-commerce Cross-border EC Cross-border ecommerce Cross-cultural adaptation Direct trade Direct Trading Dong nai province Export export controls GDPR Global Sales Global website Hand-carry baggage intercultural adaptation internalization International branding International business expansion International business expansion support consultancy International business models International business plan International Buyer International exhibition International exhibitions International Expansion International expansion business plan International expansion consultant International expansion support International expansion support consultancy International expansion support consultant International expansion support consultants International expansion support Consulting International investment International marketing International Sales International sales channel development International Trade show international websites Invoice Jetro Localization Manufacturing Multilingual EC Multilingual Site Multilingual Website No Commercial Value Online business meetings Order Confirmation overseas business plan Overseas exhibitions overseas expansion Overseas Expansion Consultant overseas expansion support consultant Overseas sales overseas sales channel development Packing List Presentation Pricing Privacy Policy Quotation Quotation in English RFP Risk management security trade management self-starting Shopify shorthanded small and medium-sized businesses Small and medium-sized enterprises small and medium-sized organizations SMEs Supporting industries Trade practice Translation Videos for overseas markets Vietnam Websites for overseas Websites for overseas markets

Download free English International expansion business plan Investment version template for international trade.

If you thought ‘international expansion is not relevant to our company’, but you feel that the future may taper off if you extend the present, this is your chance to rethink your business model.

For a start, try drawing up an international expansion business plan (investment version).

By drawing up a business plan before expanding internationally, you can first take stock of your domestic business.

You will get a rough idea of the strengths that other companies do not have, research on international competitors, local customer needs and future prospects that may be applicable to overseas markets.

For consulting and practical (on-the-job) support for SMEs, leave it to Paccloa.
Support for a total of over 1,900 companies entering overseas markets.